We Will Meet Again

Few months ago, Radhit's band recorded their new song,"Time of Departure".
I was thinking at that time, it's really matched that I'll go to Bandung and he recorded that song.

And suddenly, he text me at this time,"Bro, I'm accepted in Victoria University, NZ!!"

Wohooo!! I'm very proud of him as his best friend. Even he entered not by test, but who won't be glad? But he said he have to pass the IELTS first, which the result will be announce on 23rd December.

I've been thinking a while, but, yeah, this is life! Dynamic! But I think it's just like, I went to another city first, and now he's going to another city another country!

And then last night he told me that he passed the test! So on February 2012 he's going to NZ. I feel happy, yet sad, yet empty, mixed. Anyway after graduated from SHS, I've been learning to dynamize my own life :D

So, I wish all the best for my bro especially for his study!
And not forgetting my plan, I wanna ask Radhit, Alvin, and Karin to build my future house together!


Kos, atau disebut juga indekos, menurut KBBI berarti tinggal di rumah orang lain dng atau tanpa makan (dng membayar setiap bulan); memondok.

Kenapa tiba - tiba gw, si mahasiswa baru, ngebahas kos?
Ya, ga lain karena tempat tinggal merupakan sesuatu yang penting untuk mahasiswa, khususnya di "perantauan". Yang nge-kos pun ga cuma mahasiswa, tetapi orang kantoran banyak juga yang kos.

Adakah yang masih belum tau tempat kos kayak apa?
Sebenarnya bervariasi. Mulai dari pondokan kecil, atau bangunan besar yang isinya semua kamar - kamar - kamar.

Selanjutnya, hidup nge-kos.
Ini adalah bulan kedua gw hidup nge-kos. Sebetulnya dibilang ngekos, kurang tepat juga buat gw. Karena ya tempat yang gw tinggalin itu sebenarnya rumah pribadi yang nggak di-kos-in. Cuma yang mau disorot adalah cara hidupnya. Tentunya hidup nge-kos ga bisa seenaknya seperti hidup di rumah, karena kita tinggal bersama orang lain yang (99%) bukan keluarga kita. Mulai dari makan, ya sukur kalo di tempat kos ada dapur/kulkas, kalo yang cuma kamar doang berarti harus hunting tempat makan enak+murah+bergizi.

Selanjutnya, barang - barang. Disarankan selalu mengunci pintu kamar setiap mau pergi. Karena ya tidak tertutup kemungkinan barang bisa hilang. Pokoknya harus jaga barang masing - masing. Begitu juga barang berbentuk makanan. Klise sekali makanan hilang di kos waktu disimpan di kulkas. Dikasih nama aja bisa ilang, gimana cuma ditaro. Harus ada kesadaran masing - masing.

Yang ketiga, jam malam. Banyak kos yang menerapkan jam malam. Misalnya, di atas jam 10 harus udah pulang, kecuali izin sama penjaga kos. Jadi kita ga bisa seenaknya kayak di rumah, pulang jam berapa aja suka - suka.

Terus, hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam mencari kos.
Yang pertama, lokasi. Sebaiknya cari yang dekat dengan kampus/tempat kerja. Selain menghemat waktu, bisa menghemat biaya juga. Kalau kelas kosong 2 jam, bisalah istirahat sebentar di kos.

Yang kedua, bangunan/kamar dan fasilitas. Cari kos yang pas, jangan kegedean (bingung mau ngapain) ataupun kekecilan (ga perlu dijelasin). Disarankan cari kos yang menghadap cahaya matahari dan ada jendela ke luar. Perhatikan juga fasilitas seperti cuci gosok, TV, kamar mandi dalam/luar, listrik, lemari, dll. Hal ini sedikit banyak juga berkaitan dengan biaya. Tentukan dulu budget kita sebelum mencari kos.

Lalu, lingkungan. Tentunya semua mau tinggal di lingkungan yang baik. Kalau ingin enak belajar, cari tempat kos yang suasananya nyaman, larangan merokok, juga kalau bisa banyak mahasiswa sekampus.

A New Chapter

Hey people! It's me again, Khrisna!
Have you already know where I'll continue my study? I'm sorry for those who has already think I'm in FKUI, too bad I failed to go there.

Well, please welcome me as a college student of School of Life Sciences & Technology - Bandung Institute of Technology!!! Yeap, SITH-ITB is where I'll continue my study for approx. four years ahead. For your info, the color of my faculty jacket is also yellow, similar to FKUI's #ngarep.

*For those who don't believe*

*The building on the center is my faculty. Quite modern, isn't it? Of course! They built it in 2006!*

Oh yea, if you're wondering why I rearrange my holiday to Thai on new year, it's because I accepted here. The schedule didn't make it :(

Anyway, it almost a month I haven't come back to Jakarta.

To make it fast, I'll just give you some FAQ :D

Missing home? Not really. My place here is four times my house for it size. I'm currently living at Dago Asri, actually it's Phillip's-not-direct-auntie. But she doesn't live here. She live near Husein Sastranegara Airport.

How it feels being in university? Of course it's really different from SHS.The schedule isn't always full, it even make me don't know what should I do in spare time. Sometimes I go back to my place. And those lecturer, really must adapt with them.

Miss old buddies? Hahaha, such a retorical question for me. I MISS THEM!

Miss SMAK 7? Kangen ga yaaaaaaaaa.........?

It must be different situation with SHS, isn't it? Definitely! I'm minority here. The major religion here is Islam. But every religion have their own basecamp. So, no problem. It depends on how we go on with the others :D

Tell us about your new friends! Pertama pas ospek kan dapet temen" baru dari kelompok ospek (taplok). Nah ini kita dikumpulin dari berbagai macam fakultas. Gw masuk ke Taplok 86, yang kakak klompoknya itu ada 3 : Kak Habib, Kak Citra, dan Kak Rangga. Mereka ini seru se-seru - serunya dan care se-care-carenya sama kelompok kita. Mereka menginspirasi gw untuk coba jadi kakak taplok jg buat ospek taun depan :D

Trus kelompok gw...
Atas : Ade-Wahyu-Fauzi (Maskot kelompok)-Kak Citra-Asma-Maya-Arum-Rizky (Ketua gebleg)-Yesaya-Khrisna
Bawah : Amira-Tifanny-Dina-Kak Habib-Rafi-Kak Rangga-Bima-Faizal/Cali-Arif

Kita ini kelompok yang sangat solid kl menurut gw. Pembagian tugas cukup rapi, bkin kelompok kita pulang ga terlalu malem dari basecamp (apalagi gw *iyalah basecamp sekompleks sm kos*). Kita juga baru buka puasa bareng di Koboi kmrn minggu. :D

Trus tentang teman - teman PMK (Persatuan Mahasiswa Kristen) ITB. Sebenernya gw ga terlalu kenal sama anggota kelompok ini. Pokoknya kelompok gw di-kakak-kelompok-in sama Kak Kitty, Kak Betty, Kak Nugra, dan Kak Dion (mentor gw). Teman - teman kelompoknya yang dkt paling Andre, Senjaya, Daniel, David, Johan, sama Stanley. Yang cwe cuma kenal Sandra doang. hahaha..

*Kelompok 20 PMK*

Trus kalo tmn" fakultas, jujur aja tmn gw kebanyakan cowo, meskipun dominan cwe di SITH. Gw agak susah ngebedain cwe berjilbab nih. Ada saran? -_- Temen dket gw di fakultas yang sering makan bareng itu Si Deva sama Dado. Deva agamanya Hindu, jadi bisa diajak makan siang bareng :D Dia ini tipe yang kalem, selalu ingin tahu, tapi kadang suka diem kalo gw juga diem. (?) Kalo Dado, dia bawel! Oh ya, Dado ini juga Protestan ky gw. Tinggalnya di kos dkt ITB. Kalo Deva di Asrama Sangkuriang. Gw sama Dado bahkan pernah gereja bareng di Maulana Yusuf. Oh ya di fakultas jg banyak tmn cwo lain ky Ravi, Baim, Ghazi, Aji, Azhim, Angga, Hafiz, Aulia, dan lain - lain.

Trus cwe di fakultas yang gw kenal sbnrny uda banyak, tapi yang keinget di kepala ada Laksmitha, Ulya, Widya, Sylvanita, sama Ifa.

Kayaknya cerita tntg tmn ckup sampe di situ dlu.

Ikut unit apa? Wah, waktu Open House Unit gw kalap daftar. Gw daftar LFM (Film & Fotografi), Nautika (Selam), KPA (Angklung), U.Green, sama yang udah otomatis ya PMK.


Sekian dulu cerita awal kuliah, kalo ada yang mau ditanya, kasih komen aj! Tar gw tambahin di post :D

Holiday Summary

Holiday is over! :(
But I don't want stories about this holiday just flow away from my head. So, I'll write down all about my holiday here. (Actually it's just two stories :D)

Begin with a private getaway to Thousand Islands. Me, Radhit, Thea, and Venny decide to go with a trip of SMPK 5 students to Thousand Islands. We got many new experiences there! 

We also snorkeling there. And it was the first time for me! So, I'm just like,"Bbblbpp!! WHOAA!"

Luckily I borrowed underwater camera from my cousin, so we can still keep taking photos in the water. Ready to see "another world"?

Actually I've many another photos, but too lazy to put them here :P

We also doin' some crazy things in our room >:)

Radhit was very hyperactive, wasn't he? :D

Another photo, photo, photo..

At the last day, we also hung out (?) to Penyu's conservation.

Well, that's our story in Thousand Islands..

My holiday continued with trip to Lembang - Bandung with Sok - sok an Gang. Oh y, I won't tell story about mall, playing billiard, watching movies in Jakarta, etc. Because they're my regular activities! #hedonic

Back to Bandung. We stayed for 3 days at Sherly's Uncle Villa in Lembang. It was so cooooold there.

We went to some places, like finding food at Jalan Gardujati and Pasir Kaliki...

In the night, we went to Paris van Java to watch Hello Ghost (Really sad and good movie), to eat Ta'wan (again and again), got our coffee at Starbucks, n just playing around...

Oh ya, we also went to D'Ranch...Wasn't that interesting but some photos are good!

She is in Holland now.. :(

Friends are forever, buddies!

Credit goes to Radhit for Bandung's holiday.

Oh ya, about go to Phuket plan, we decide to postpone it until New Year 2012...Because one and another reason :)

Pentingnya Waktu

Agar tahu pentingnya waktu SETAHUN, tanyakan pada murid yang gagal kelas.
Agar tahu pentingnya waktu SEBULAN, tanyakan pada ibu yang melahirkan bayi prematur.
Agar tahu pentingnya waktu SEMINGGU, tanyakan pada editor majalah mingguan.
Agar tahu pentingnya waktu SEJAM, tanyakan pada kekasih yang menunggu untuk bertemu.
Agar tahu pentingnya waktu SEMENIT, tanyakan pada orang yang ketinggalan pesawat terbang.
Agar tahu pentingnya waktu SEDETIK, tanyakan pada orang yang baru saja terhindar dari kecelakaan.
Agar tahu pentingnya waktu SEMILIDETIK, tanyakan pada peraih medali perak Olimpiade.

“Hargailah setiap waktu yang anda miliki. Dan ingatlah waktu tidaklah menunggu siapa-siapa.”


School of Life Science and Technology

See that title. Understand what I mean?

OMG, OK. This is a great news. I accepted into SITH - ITB! Yes, my second choice in SNMPTN. Sekolah Ilmu Teknologi Hayati - Institut Teknologi Bandung!

School of Life Science and Technology in English. Actually it's not the favorite one for ITB, but I think, everyone have their own favorite ;) Despite of any faculty you're taking, thus yourself is the matter!

I know SITH is not my real dream. But who knows God's plan?
OK, I'll keep strugle for SIMAK! Jia you to myself! :D


Hi people!
You know, today I woke up in despair because of my dream. It was such a nightmare!
Well, if you want to know, this nightmare divided *ceilah* into two episodes.

The first is when I already in university. The story is, I planned to meet my SHS friends. But when we've already arrived at the meeting point, they didn't care and ignored me. Nightmare enough for me...

Later, I awakened and saw my phone. 3:00. So I went back to sleep and here comes the second episode!

The setting is, I was chit-chatting with some people I even don't recognize. Perhaps they're my new friends in university. And I found myself......SMOKING there! I can feel the smoke...and of course smell from cigarettes that I smoked. I saw a mirror beside me. As I couldn't believe what I saw, I looked through the mirror. Yes, I was smoking! Oh Jesus!

Suddenly I awakened again because my dad told me someone is waiting on the phone. Guess who? It's Sugi, my old friend! He's in Jakarta right now and planning to come to my house this month! Horray!!

Well, I hope my nightmare was just a nightmare. I don't want it to be true! That's too bad to be true!

Untuk Seorang Adik Kelas

Yow! back to me and myself!
Wah, ga kerasa intensif SIMAK di BTA udah mulai. Bener - bener berat buat bangun pagi lagi, pergi jam 6 kurang..*sigh*

Well, mungkin banyak yang belum gw ceritain di blog ini.
Intinya, dulu ada seorang adik kelas gw yang "iri" sama gw karena gw temenan sama sohibnya. Dia bahkan nulis di blognya lumayan dalam tentang gw.

Terus, tadi tiba - tiba dapat ilham buat liat itu blog lagi. Wah postnya udah tambah banyak dari terakhir gw "kepo-in" (Jahat ya?)

Suddenly, I stunted. Gw berpikir, ini anak punya suatu sifat yang mirip sama gw, suka berpikir hal yang sama kayak gw, tapi dia bisa mencurahkan semuanya di blog itu. Well dude, sepertinya bahkan lw lebih baik dari gw!

Pesan buat anak itu kalo baca blog gw:

"Gw minta maaf sama yang dulu lw rasain karena gw. Cobalah untuk lebih tegar, karena ga mustahil menemukan apa-yang-lw-lagi-cari selama ini. Susah, tapi ga mustahil! Gw juga lagi berjuang untuk menemukan itu! Be tough! :D"


Here, I want to share a song. It's from Rak Haeng Sayam movie that I've reviewed. Actually it's a Thai song, but I'll put the English translation. The meaning is so deep. :)

You must have heard of a place that has all of our hearts' desires once we reach it. Our happiness and dreams, all that we've been waiting for, will wait for us at the destination. And only a single ticket is needed for multiple trips. But no one has ever returned to tell me anything about it.

So I wonder if it's real, I want to see it for myself. Even if it's by foot, I'm willing to go if there will be something upon arrival. No matter what's the cost I must pay to get the ticket, I will. And so I paid with everything I had, just for someone to return it all back to me and say.

This ticket is not for me even though it is sold to all. It's just that this train does not have a place for me, so I can't get on it.

Like I said before, I'm dedicated and will travel anywhere it takes. No matter the fatigue, the heat, or the cold, I'm not afraid. With a proud heart I will endure it all and within a short while the destination will be near. So I struggle on to reach that destination that is disappearing.

It's probably not real, a destination like that for someone like me. The ticket that everyone has, probably does not exist for someone like me. And so I turn back to the way that I came from, and there I saw someone looking at me. When I walked back, I saw it was the same person that told me repeatedly, stressing that.

This ticket is not for me even though it is sold to all. It's just that this train does not have a place for me, so I can't get on it.

Saya Ngarep Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri

Halo pembaca yang budiman, gw lagi ga mood nulis pakai Bahasa Inggris, jadi Bahasa Indonesia saja yo! :D

"Saya Ngarep Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri"

Tweet itu gw liat di timeline gw kemarin, setelah SNMPTN hari pertama. Spontan langsung gw RT! Hahaha...kalo ada love button bisa dipencet 100X, pasti udah gw pencet tuh. *lebay*

Gw pengen cerita - cerita suka dukanya gw ikut SNMPTN kemarin nih.

Jadi gw dapat lokasi tes di SMAN 70, Bulungan. Dekat Blok M Square itu lho...
Lumayan sih untuk ukuran sekolah negeri, di kelas udah ada AC juga.

Hari pertama gw dateng pagi, jam 7 kurang 15 udah di lokasi. Gw kira masih sepi, taunya udah rame juga! Dateng, nanya di mana Ruang 17, naik tangga ke lantai 3...gile, suasananya hening mencekam! Ga nyangka juga sih...

Di depan Ruang 17, kita pada duduk nge-glesor di bawah. Gw baca modul TPA aja iseng".
Singkat kata, pengawas pada datang, kita masuk kelas, isi biodata, dibagiin soal, verifikasi tanda pengenal. Waktu bel, gw langsung buka tuh soal TPA paling belakang. SHOCK!! Ga ada gambar! Padahal biasanya itu yang jadi kekuatan gw di TPA! Arghhhhh! Udah gw langsung ke halaman pertama yang hubungan kata. Soal pertama uda males banget, akhirnya diskip. Yang gw bingung, waktu satu jam itu bener" kerasa lewat doang! Aaaaaaaa...Dan finally, gw kosong sepuluh soal.

Jam kedua, tes kemampuan dasar. Well, ini juga bikin shock. Bahasa Inggris tanpa grammar! Biasanya kan ada tuh, ini bacaan bejibun! Kata - katanya juga yang agak...yahh...buat saya yang so-so aja Inggrisnya tuh agak...gimanaa...gitu! :P Yaudalah gw kerjain semampu gw. Mat dasar bahkan cuma gw jawab 8 :(

Trus pulang langsung pada tanya"an. Di HP gw udah banyak SMS, twitter banyak mention *ceilah*. Gw udah bertekad ga mau bahas. Pokoknya gw bilang sama orang - orang "Not so bad yet not so good". Kecuali sama Alvin, dia minta ngobrol kan sore - sore. Kita kupas deh (bukan dibahas) soal tadi tuh gimana. Alvin juga cerita tadi dia keseleo di tangga, dll.

Malemnya gw persiapin buat hari kedua. Tapi gw ga berani memforsir, takut malah overload. Hehehe..

Hari kedua gw dateng agak siang dari kemarin. Jam 7 lewat 15 baru sampe. Tapi ga ngaruh banyak sih bedanya. Untuk melepas gundah sebelum ngerjain, gw dengerin lagu "Tum Yoo Nai Jai" dari Kao sama Natt aja dah. Lumayan! :D

Waktu bel, buka soal, pertama pasti Biologi dulu. Lumayan deh. Trus entah kenapa gw pengen mat abis bio. Dan ternyata yaaa, lumayan juga. Not so bad. Bahkan lebih yakin Mat IPA dari Mat Dasar yang hari pertama! Terus kimia, terus fisika. Gw ga berani gambling banyak sih. Takut ngurang poin banyak. Hehehe...

Pulang SNMPTN, gw cabut ke Epicentrum Rasuna Said, bwt "pelepasan" beban sama Radhit, Tya, n Karin. Lumayan dah abis SNMPTN bisa hura - hura (meskipun agak nyesel gw nonton Scre4m, ga terlalu demen), pulangnya juga makan malam di Pizza Kalimalang ditraktir Karin, padahal ultahnya udah hampir dua bulan lewat! Dan, bahkan gw pun belom traktir! wkakakak~

Well, that's my day! :)

[Thai Movie Review] Crazy Little Thing Called Love/สิ่งเล็กๆที่เรียกว่ารัก

Now come the 2nd review!
Yes, it's still Thai movie! I don't know since when I started being crazy for Thai movies, it just came that way. Hahaha!

Movie: A Little Thing Called Love / First Love
* Thai: สิ่งเล็กเล็ก ที่เรียกว่า..รัก
* Genre: Romance, comedy
* Release Date: August 12, 2010 (Thailand)
* Runtime: 118 min.
* Distributor: Sahamongkol International and Work Point
* Language: Thai
* Country: Thailand
* Director: Puttipong Pormsaka Na-Sakonnakorn and Wasin Pokpong
* Producer: Somsak Tejcharattanaprasert and Panya Nirankol

Mario Maurer - Shone
Pimchanok Leuwisetpaibol - Nam
Sudarat Budtporm - Inn (Teacher)
Peerawat Herapath - Phol (Teacher)
Pijitra Siriwerapan - Aorn (Teacher)
Acharanat Ariyaritwikol - Top
Kachamat Pormsaka Na-Sakonnakorn - Pin

I really like the storyline. It's not too exaggerated just like "Sinetron", just picturize a normal teen's life. Ssstt! And the girl also cute! ;)

The story is about Nam, an ugly-duck girl who fell for her senior, Shone. Shone is a very popular guy in the school. He is smart, cool, handsome, kind. Yeah, whatever-you-named-it! Nam has 3 best friends named Cheer, Nim, and Gie. They helped Nam to become a "cleaner" girl. Nam also has "competitor", Faye, the Mango-Cake-Girl.

Finally, Nam became much more better than before. And the guys in the school started to like him, except Shone (at least that what she thought).

When Nam joined Shone's peer-group, she's getting distracted with her 3 best friends. Nam also has new boyfriend, Top, who is Shone's childhood best friend. But deep inside her heart, she still has feeling for Shone. That's hurt. :(

At the end, they broke up. When graduated, Nam confessed her feeling to Shone. But at the moment, Shone already has relationship with Pin, his buddy. It told that Shone went to Bangkok and Nam went to USA to study. But before go, Shone gave his scrapbook to Nam. It's all about his feeling to Nam.

Nine years passed by, they met again at TV Show. Nam become a fashion designer, and Shone become a Photographer, his hobby since SHS. They met and told each others feelings. I think they'll getting married after that ;)

It's very funny and refreshing movie after all. I can't stop laughing all the time! The good point is, it didn't lose the values. I got some points from the movie. We can make someone we love as a motivation to be better. The next point is, waiting maybe hurting our heart, but God always know what and when the best for us!

Some good quotes from the movie...

"All of us, have someone who is hidden in the bottom of the heart. When we think of him/her, we will feel like a little pain inside. But we still want to keep him/her. Even though didn't know where he/she is today, what is he/she doing. It's a little thing called LOVE."

"Friend is just not friend because it's appearance." -Nam's mother.

"An angel must be in heaven. Who want to be in hell like us?" -Cheer.

"I don't understand, why it must be you to be one in my heart..." -Nam.

"Don't worry, you still have us to support." -Cheer.

"This book is funny but it makes me know how much you have tried. I want to tell you that you had succeeded since you began to do. Love can win everything, especially fear." -Shone in his scrapbook.

"Today I saw Top confessed. You know, I'm hurt. Why our time never match?" -Shone in his scrapbook.

"He is like my inspiration. He made me use the love in good way. He is like a power that supports me to be better and better 'till I'am today's Nam." -Nam.

Some screenshoots...

At the end, I've learnt something from the movie.
If you feel lose someone, either your girl/boy or your friend, don't give up! Maybe someday you'll meet again in unexpected way! :)

Rate : 8.8/10

[Thai Movie Review] Love of Siam/รักแห่งสยาม

I'd like to review this movie. Maybe you haven't heard this Thai film. It's not so booming in Indonesia, but it was booming in Thailand. I watched this for the first time umm looks like one or two years ago, and I think, not many film director or production house have producted movie like this one because the theme is very unusual. It's about finding "identity". Maybe I should give the casts first ;)

Directed by : Chookiat Sakveerakul
Staring : Mario Maurer as Tong, Witwisit Hiranyawongkul as Mew, Jirayu Laongmanee as Little Tong, Artit Niyomkul as Little Mew, Sinjai Plengpanich as Sunee (Tong's Mother), Songsit Rungnopakunsri as Korn (Tong's Father), Chermarn Boonyasak as June/Tang, Kanya Rattanapetch as Ying, Aticha Pongsilpipat as Donut, etc.

The story began when Tong, an energetic boy, accidentally spitted gum into Mew's hair. Mew is a calm and musical boy. Mew lived with his grandma. At the school, Tong helped Mew when Mew was being bullied by another students. And then, they became close friend.

One day, Tong's family went to Chiang Mai, but came back without Tang (Tong's sister). Tang want to stay with her friend longer. Tong's getting closer with Mew. Tong bought Mew a present and decided to give it to Mew piece by piece in a game of Treasure Hunt. One by one, Mew found all of the pieces except for the last one which was hidden in a tree. The tree was cut down before Mew was able to retrieve it leaving the present Tong bought for Mew incomplete. Tong was disappointed at their misfortune, but Mew remained grateful for Tong's efforts. Tang called her parents and told them that she would extend her stay at Chiangmai until the 24th of December.

Unfortunately, Tang had an accident and she's lost. Tong felt very sad and Mew tried to cheer him up as he can. (That's very touching for me.) As they cannot find Tang, Tong's family decided to move.

Time goes by. Six years later, they met at Siam Square. Mew has became a lead singer of his band, and Tong's now has a pretty girlfriend, named Donut. Mew also has secret admirer named Ying. But after meet Tong, Mew realized that he has feeling to Tong. And they meet June, who really much like Tang. So, Tong's mother want June to help her husband from desperation because Tang's lost.

Tong and Mew became closer, until one day, Tong kissed Mew at his house. They've realized that they have "feeling" for each other. But Sunee saw this. And she tried to block this relationship. So their relationship is getting fader and fader.

At Christmas time, as Tong and his mother are decorating a Christmas tree, they have a heart-to-heart talk about making choices, and Tong asks his mother to let him make his own choices.
Tong then goes to Siam Square for a date with Donut. Mew's band is playing nearby, so Tong abandons Donut and tells her that he cannot be with her. He then rushes to see Mew play and is guided there by Ying, who has accepted the fact that Mew loves Tong. After the performance, Tong gives Mew a gift, the missing nose from the wooden doll that Tong gave him when they were children. However, Tong tells Mew he can't be his boyfriend but that doesn't mean he doesn't love Mew.
The movie ended with Mew putting the missing nose back to the wooden puppet, saying "thank you" and crying quietly.

So, what can we learn from this movie? It's not about the gay-side, but many moral values we can learn, about love, about friendship, about family, about religion, and about life.

This one is a quote that Mew said when he was telling Tong about his late grandma.

"If we can love someone so much, how will we be able to handle it one day when we are separated? And if being separated is a part of life, and you know about separation well, is it possible that we can love someone and never be afraid of losing them? [Or,] is it possible that we can live our entire life without loving at all?"

Also from Ying, when Mew want to ask about Chinese phrase that he couldn't understand, but later he found Ying kept Mew's photos.

Ying: "It means, 'As long as you love, you will still have hope.'
Mew: "So, Ying, are you still hoping?"
Ying: "And should I still hope?"

And this one is Tang's/June's letter to Sunee and Korn

"I have been thinking. How will you make it from now on? But I believe so much that you can make it without me, because you have so much love for one another. Even though, sometimes, it seems to be too much that we end up hurting each other. But I believe as time goes by, we should agree that there is no such thing as 'too much love. Even if we made mistakes along the way, it's better than never having tried to love and be loved. Wouldn't you agree? Life always gives us opportunities to start over after we learn from our mistakes. I hope you take these opportunities and take good care of one another. Thank you for everything. I hope there's a chance that we will see each other again."

Memorable quotes from Tong is not so long, but yet, also meaningful! This is when he and Sunee were decorating Christmas Tree.

"What if I choose one and you don't like it again?"

And this one, when he met Mew for the last time.

"I can't be your boyfriend, but that doesn't mean I don't love you."

Oh ya, you should find the soundtrack's lyrics, sooooo deep yet meaningful.

How do you think about this review? Satisfying? Or confusing? Hahah..I score this movie 9/10 :D

Some extra pictures... (credit from many sources)

Little Mew and Little Tong

Tong and June

On the Bed

Tong is Decorating Christmas Tree with Mom 

Tong with Donut

Umm, I want to insert the girls picture, the director's choice is really good, even Madame Sunee is really gorgeous LOL...(credit from many sources)

DONUT!!!! Duh OMG!





Well, selamat berjumpa lagi sama gw! Setelah udah lama banget ga ngeblog, gatel juga tangan. Berhubung blog ini jarang yang tau, mungkin gw bisa menuliskan sedikit - sedikit yang pribadi dari gw di post selanjutnya mulai sekarang.

Oh ya, gw dah lulus SMA! (iyalah) tapi NEM gw ga memuaskan bwt gw. Pokoknya kalo dirata - rata "cuma" 8.7, and I don't think it's the best that I can do! Don't know why. The clue is, kalo gw ngerasa bisa ngerjain soal, biasanya hasilnya biasa aja, tapi kalo ngerasanya ga terlalu bisa, jadinya di luar perkiraan! Weird, isn't it?

Tentunya abis SMA maunya kuliah, dan gw rasa rata - rata orang yang baca blog gw udah tau kalo gw pengen jadi dokter! Tapi dalam hal cita - cita, gw bukan tipe orang yang 'bener - bener harus itu'. Ada positif negatifnya sih. Jadi gw menyiapkan fakultas cadangan yang bukan kedokteran.

Prioritas pertama, gw pengen masuk FKUI. Dan gw udah gagal di SNMPTN Undangan, which is very unfair in my opinion. But I keep trying with SNMPTN Tertulis. Terus di yang ke-2, gw masukin SITH ITB. Mungkin jarang yang denger fakultas ini. Sekolah Ilmu Teknologi Hayati, tuh singkatannya. Dari namanya bisa dikira - kira kan belajar apa? :) Sebenernya gw agak berkecil hati, soalnya banyak yang mengerenyitkan alis waktu gw bilang mau masuk sini. Ada yang bilang buangan, ga eksis, cuma ceweknya aja yang cakep - cakep *blah*, trus ada yang bilang, mending di biotek atma aja, kan lw uda keterima juga di sana. Dah deh, jadi risau gw. (Bukan galau. Menurut Dimas, galau cuma buat urusan percintaan)

So, I hope, dengan gw naro pilihan ini, Tuhan bakal kasih yang terbaik buat gw. Meskipun SITH passing gradenya rendah, tapi kalo emang bukan yang terbaik buat gw, Tuhan ga akan kasih accept gw masuk situ.

Wish me all the best, guys!

Adegan Sinetron Gak Meaning & Gak Realistis

Kecelakaan lalu amnesia atau lupa ingatan

Di Rumah Sakit...

“Aku dimana? Kamu siapa??? Kamu siapa???” kata penderita pada seseorang di depannya.

“Aku adalah ….. majikanmu,” jawab orang itu dengan wajah serius.

Dan dalam waktu sekejap, tiba-tiba kepala penderita amnesia itu terbentur lagi saat hendak berdiri dari tempat tidur — dan langsung ingat semua!

“Hey! Kamu bukan majikanku! Kamu pembantuku!!!”

Pembantu : “Oops!”

Tuhan dan Kejahatan

Seorang Profesor dari sebuah universitas terkenal menantang mahasiswa-mahasiswa nya dengan pertanyaan ini, "Apakah Tuhan menciptakan segala yang ada?". 

Seorang mahasiswa dengan berani menjawab, "Betul, Dia yang menciptakan semuanya". 

"Tuhan menciptakan semuanya?" Tanya professor sekali lagi. "Ya, Pak, semuanya" kata mahasiswa tersebut. 

Profesor itu menjawab, "Jika Tuhan menciptakan segalanya, berarti Tuhan menciptakan Kejahatan. Karena kejahatan itu ada, dan menurut prinsip kita bahwa pekerjaan kita menjelaskan siapa kita, jadi kita bisa berasumsi bahwa Tuhan itu adalah kejahatan". 

"Mahasiswa itu terdiam dan tidak bisa menjawab hipotesis professor tersebut. Profesor itu merasa menang dan menyombongkan diri bahwa sekali lagi dia telah membuktikan kalau Agama itu adalah sebuah mitos. 

Mahasiswa lain mengangkat tangan dan berkata, "Profesor, boleh saya bertanya sesuatu?". 

"Tentu saja," jawab si Profesor, 

Mahasiswa itu berdiri dan bertanya, "Profesor, apakah dingin itu ada?" 

"Pertanyaan macam apa itu? Tentu saja dingin itu ada."

Kamu tidak pernah sakit flu?" Tanya si professor diiringi tawa mahasiswa lainnya. 

Mahasiswa itu menjawab, "Kenyataannya, Pak, dingin itu tidak ada." 

Menurut hukum fisika, yang kita anggap dingin itu adalah ketiadaan panas. Suhu -460F adalah ketiadaan panas sama sekali. Dan semua partikel menjadi diam dan tidak bisa bereaksi pada suhu tersebut. Kita menciptakan kata dingin untuk mendeskripsikan ketiadaan panas." 

Mahasiswa itu melanjutkan, "Profesor, apakah gelap itu ada?" Profesor itu menjawab, "Tentu saja itu ada." 

Mahasiswa itu menjawab, "Sekali lagi anda salah, Pak. 

Gelap itu juga tidak ada. Gelap adalah keadaan dimana tidak ada cahaya. Cahaya bisa kita pelajari, gelap tidak. 

Kita bisa menggunakan prisma Newton untuk memecahkan cahaya menjadi beberapa warna dan mempelajari berbagai panjang gelombang setiap warna. Tapi Anda tidak bisa mengukur gelap. Seberapa gelap suatu ruangan diukur dengan berapa intensitas cahaya di ruangan tersebut. Kata gelap dipakai manusia untuk mendeskripsikan ketiadaan cahaya." 

Akhirnya mahasiswa itu bertanya, "Profesor, apakah kejahatan itu ada?" 

Dengan bimbang professor itu menjawab, "Tentu saja, seperti yang telah kukatakan sebelumnya. 

Kita melihat setiap hari di Koran dan TV. Banyak perkara kriminal dan kekerasan di antara manusia. Perkara-perkara tersebut adalah manifestasi dari kejahatan." 

Terhadap pernyataan ini mahasiswa itu menjawab, "Sekali lagi Anda salah, Pak. 

Kejahatan itu tidak ada. Kejahatan adalah ketiadaan Tuhan. Seperti dingin atau gelap, kejahatan adalah kata yang dipakai manusia untuk mendeskripsikan ketiadaan Tuhan. 

Tuhan tidak menciptakan kajahatan. Kejahatan adalah hasil dari tidak adanya kasih Tuhan dihati manusia. Seperti dingin yang timbul dari ketiadaan panas dan gelap yang timbul dari ketiadaan cahaya."Profesor itu terdiam. 

Dan mahasiswa tersebut adalah ALBERT EINSTEIN.