School of Life Science and Technology

See that title. Understand what I mean?

OMG, OK. This is a great news. I accepted into SITH - ITB! Yes, my second choice in SNMPTN. Sekolah Ilmu Teknologi Hayati - Institut Teknologi Bandung!

School of Life Science and Technology in English. Actually it's not the favorite one for ITB, but I think, everyone have their own favorite ;) Despite of any faculty you're taking, thus yourself is the matter!

I know SITH is not my real dream. But who knows God's plan?
OK, I'll keep strugle for SIMAK! Jia you to myself! :D


Hi people!
You know, today I woke up in despair because of my dream. It was such a nightmare!
Well, if you want to know, this nightmare divided *ceilah* into two episodes.

The first is when I already in university. The story is, I planned to meet my SHS friends. But when we've already arrived at the meeting point, they didn't care and ignored me. Nightmare enough for me...

Later, I awakened and saw my phone. 3:00. So I went back to sleep and here comes the second episode!

The setting is, I was chit-chatting with some people I even don't recognize. Perhaps they're my new friends in university. And I found myself......SMOKING there! I can feel the smoke...and of course smell from cigarettes that I smoked. I saw a mirror beside me. As I couldn't believe what I saw, I looked through the mirror. Yes, I was smoking! Oh Jesus!

Suddenly I awakened again because my dad told me someone is waiting on the phone. Guess who? It's Sugi, my old friend! He's in Jakarta right now and planning to come to my house this month! Horray!!

Well, I hope my nightmare was just a nightmare. I don't want it to be true! That's too bad to be true!

Untuk Seorang Adik Kelas

Yow! back to me and myself!
Wah, ga kerasa intensif SIMAK di BTA udah mulai. Bener - bener berat buat bangun pagi lagi, pergi jam 6 kurang..*sigh*

Well, mungkin banyak yang belum gw ceritain di blog ini.
Intinya, dulu ada seorang adik kelas gw yang "iri" sama gw karena gw temenan sama sohibnya. Dia bahkan nulis di blognya lumayan dalam tentang gw.

Terus, tadi tiba - tiba dapat ilham buat liat itu blog lagi. Wah postnya udah tambah banyak dari terakhir gw "kepo-in" (Jahat ya?)

Suddenly, I stunted. Gw berpikir, ini anak punya suatu sifat yang mirip sama gw, suka berpikir hal yang sama kayak gw, tapi dia bisa mencurahkan semuanya di blog itu. Well dude, sepertinya bahkan lw lebih baik dari gw!

Pesan buat anak itu kalo baca blog gw:

"Gw minta maaf sama yang dulu lw rasain karena gw. Cobalah untuk lebih tegar, karena ga mustahil menemukan apa-yang-lw-lagi-cari selama ini. Susah, tapi ga mustahil! Gw juga lagi berjuang untuk menemukan itu! Be tough! :D"


Here, I want to share a song. It's from Rak Haeng Sayam movie that I've reviewed. Actually it's a Thai song, but I'll put the English translation. The meaning is so deep. :)

You must have heard of a place that has all of our hearts' desires once we reach it. Our happiness and dreams, all that we've been waiting for, will wait for us at the destination. And only a single ticket is needed for multiple trips. But no one has ever returned to tell me anything about it.

So I wonder if it's real, I want to see it for myself. Even if it's by foot, I'm willing to go if there will be something upon arrival. No matter what's the cost I must pay to get the ticket, I will. And so I paid with everything I had, just for someone to return it all back to me and say.

This ticket is not for me even though it is sold to all. It's just that this train does not have a place for me, so I can't get on it.

Like I said before, I'm dedicated and will travel anywhere it takes. No matter the fatigue, the heat, or the cold, I'm not afraid. With a proud heart I will endure it all and within a short while the destination will be near. So I struggle on to reach that destination that is disappearing.

It's probably not real, a destination like that for someone like me. The ticket that everyone has, probably does not exist for someone like me. And so I turn back to the way that I came from, and there I saw someone looking at me. When I walked back, I saw it was the same person that told me repeatedly, stressing that.

This ticket is not for me even though it is sold to all. It's just that this train does not have a place for me, so I can't get on it.

Saya Ngarep Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri

Halo pembaca yang budiman, gw lagi ga mood nulis pakai Bahasa Inggris, jadi Bahasa Indonesia saja yo! :D

"Saya Ngarep Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri"

Tweet itu gw liat di timeline gw kemarin, setelah SNMPTN hari pertama. Spontan langsung gw RT! Hahaha...kalo ada love button bisa dipencet 100X, pasti udah gw pencet tuh. *lebay*

Gw pengen cerita - cerita suka dukanya gw ikut SNMPTN kemarin nih.

Jadi gw dapat lokasi tes di SMAN 70, Bulungan. Dekat Blok M Square itu lho...
Lumayan sih untuk ukuran sekolah negeri, di kelas udah ada AC juga.

Hari pertama gw dateng pagi, jam 7 kurang 15 udah di lokasi. Gw kira masih sepi, taunya udah rame juga! Dateng, nanya di mana Ruang 17, naik tangga ke lantai 3...gile, suasananya hening mencekam! Ga nyangka juga sih...

Di depan Ruang 17, kita pada duduk nge-glesor di bawah. Gw baca modul TPA aja iseng".
Singkat kata, pengawas pada datang, kita masuk kelas, isi biodata, dibagiin soal, verifikasi tanda pengenal. Waktu bel, gw langsung buka tuh soal TPA paling belakang. SHOCK!! Ga ada gambar! Padahal biasanya itu yang jadi kekuatan gw di TPA! Arghhhhh! Udah gw langsung ke halaman pertama yang hubungan kata. Soal pertama uda males banget, akhirnya diskip. Yang gw bingung, waktu satu jam itu bener" kerasa lewat doang! Aaaaaaaa...Dan finally, gw kosong sepuluh soal.

Jam kedua, tes kemampuan dasar. Well, ini juga bikin shock. Bahasa Inggris tanpa grammar! Biasanya kan ada tuh, ini bacaan bejibun! Kata - katanya juga yang agak...yahh...buat saya yang so-so aja Inggrisnya tuh agak...gimanaa...gitu! :P Yaudalah gw kerjain semampu gw. Mat dasar bahkan cuma gw jawab 8 :(

Trus pulang langsung pada tanya"an. Di HP gw udah banyak SMS, twitter banyak mention *ceilah*. Gw udah bertekad ga mau bahas. Pokoknya gw bilang sama orang - orang "Not so bad yet not so good". Kecuali sama Alvin, dia minta ngobrol kan sore - sore. Kita kupas deh (bukan dibahas) soal tadi tuh gimana. Alvin juga cerita tadi dia keseleo di tangga, dll.

Malemnya gw persiapin buat hari kedua. Tapi gw ga berani memforsir, takut malah overload. Hehehe..

Hari kedua gw dateng agak siang dari kemarin. Jam 7 lewat 15 baru sampe. Tapi ga ngaruh banyak sih bedanya. Untuk melepas gundah sebelum ngerjain, gw dengerin lagu "Tum Yoo Nai Jai" dari Kao sama Natt aja dah. Lumayan! :D

Waktu bel, buka soal, pertama pasti Biologi dulu. Lumayan deh. Trus entah kenapa gw pengen mat abis bio. Dan ternyata yaaa, lumayan juga. Not so bad. Bahkan lebih yakin Mat IPA dari Mat Dasar yang hari pertama! Terus kimia, terus fisika. Gw ga berani gambling banyak sih. Takut ngurang poin banyak. Hehehe...

Pulang SNMPTN, gw cabut ke Epicentrum Rasuna Said, bwt "pelepasan" beban sama Radhit, Tya, n Karin. Lumayan dah abis SNMPTN bisa hura - hura (meskipun agak nyesel gw nonton Scre4m, ga terlalu demen), pulangnya juga makan malam di Pizza Kalimalang ditraktir Karin, padahal ultahnya udah hampir dua bulan lewat! Dan, bahkan gw pun belom traktir! wkakakak~

Well, that's my day! :)