A New Chapter

Hey people! It's me again, Khrisna!
Have you already know where I'll continue my study? I'm sorry for those who has already think I'm in FKUI, too bad I failed to go there.

Well, please welcome me as a college student of School of Life Sciences & Technology - Bandung Institute of Technology!!! Yeap, SITH-ITB is where I'll continue my study for approx. four years ahead. For your info, the color of my faculty jacket is also yellow, similar to FKUI's #ngarep.

*For those who don't believe*

*The building on the center is my faculty. Quite modern, isn't it? Of course! They built it in 2006!*

Oh yea, if you're wondering why I rearrange my holiday to Thai on new year, it's because I accepted here. The schedule didn't make it :(

Anyway, it almost a month I haven't come back to Jakarta.

To make it fast, I'll just give you some FAQ :D

Missing home? Not really. My place here is four times my house for it size. I'm currently living at Dago Asri, actually it's Phillip's-not-direct-auntie. But she doesn't live here. She live near Husein Sastranegara Airport.

How it feels being in university? Of course it's really different from SHS.The schedule isn't always full, it even make me don't know what should I do in spare time. Sometimes I go back to my place. And those lecturer, really must adapt with them.

Miss old buddies? Hahaha, such a retorical question for me. I MISS THEM!

Miss SMAK 7? Kangen ga yaaaaaaaaa.........?

It must be different situation with SHS, isn't it? Definitely! I'm minority here. The major religion here is Islam. But every religion have their own basecamp. So, no problem. It depends on how we go on with the others :D

Tell us about your new friends! Pertama pas ospek kan dapet temen" baru dari kelompok ospek (taplok). Nah ini kita dikumpulin dari berbagai macam fakultas. Gw masuk ke Taplok 86, yang kakak klompoknya itu ada 3 : Kak Habib, Kak Citra, dan Kak Rangga. Mereka ini seru se-seru - serunya dan care se-care-carenya sama kelompok kita. Mereka menginspirasi gw untuk coba jadi kakak taplok jg buat ospek taun depan :D

Trus kelompok gw...
Atas : Ade-Wahyu-Fauzi (Maskot kelompok)-Kak Citra-Asma-Maya-Arum-Rizky (Ketua gebleg)-Yesaya-Khrisna
Bawah : Amira-Tifanny-Dina-Kak Habib-Rafi-Kak Rangga-Bima-Faizal/Cali-Arif

Kita ini kelompok yang sangat solid kl menurut gw. Pembagian tugas cukup rapi, bkin kelompok kita pulang ga terlalu malem dari basecamp (apalagi gw *iyalah basecamp sekompleks sm kos*). Kita juga baru buka puasa bareng di Koboi kmrn minggu. :D

Trus tentang teman - teman PMK (Persatuan Mahasiswa Kristen) ITB. Sebenernya gw ga terlalu kenal sama anggota kelompok ini. Pokoknya kelompok gw di-kakak-kelompok-in sama Kak Kitty, Kak Betty, Kak Nugra, dan Kak Dion (mentor gw). Teman - teman kelompoknya yang dkt paling Andre, Senjaya, Daniel, David, Johan, sama Stanley. Yang cwe cuma kenal Sandra doang. hahaha..

*Kelompok 20 PMK*

Trus kalo tmn" fakultas, jujur aja tmn gw kebanyakan cowo, meskipun dominan cwe di SITH. Gw agak susah ngebedain cwe berjilbab nih. Ada saran? -_- Temen dket gw di fakultas yang sering makan bareng itu Si Deva sama Dado. Deva agamanya Hindu, jadi bisa diajak makan siang bareng :D Dia ini tipe yang kalem, selalu ingin tahu, tapi kadang suka diem kalo gw juga diem. (?) Kalo Dado, dia bawel! Oh ya, Dado ini juga Protestan ky gw. Tinggalnya di kos dkt ITB. Kalo Deva di Asrama Sangkuriang. Gw sama Dado bahkan pernah gereja bareng di Maulana Yusuf. Oh ya di fakultas jg banyak tmn cwo lain ky Ravi, Baim, Ghazi, Aji, Azhim, Angga, Hafiz, Aulia, dan lain - lain.

Trus cwe di fakultas yang gw kenal sbnrny uda banyak, tapi yang keinget di kepala ada Laksmitha, Ulya, Widya, Sylvanita, sama Ifa.

Kayaknya cerita tntg tmn ckup sampe di situ dlu.

Ikut unit apa? Wah, waktu Open House Unit gw kalap daftar. Gw daftar LFM (Film & Fotografi), Nautika (Selam), KPA (Angklung), U.Green, sama yang udah otomatis ya PMK.


Sekian dulu cerita awal kuliah, kalo ada yang mau ditanya, kasih komen aj! Tar gw tambahin di post :D

Holiday Summary

Holiday is over! :(
But I don't want stories about this holiday just flow away from my head. So, I'll write down all about my holiday here. (Actually it's just two stories :D)

Begin with a private getaway to Thousand Islands. Me, Radhit, Thea, and Venny decide to go with a trip of SMPK 5 students to Thousand Islands. We got many new experiences there! 

We also snorkeling there. And it was the first time for me! So, I'm just like,"Bbblbpp!! WHOAA!"

Luckily I borrowed underwater camera from my cousin, so we can still keep taking photos in the water. Ready to see "another world"?

Actually I've many another photos, but too lazy to put them here :P

We also doin' some crazy things in our room >:)

Radhit was very hyperactive, wasn't he? :D

Another photo, photo, photo..

At the last day, we also hung out (?) to Penyu's conservation.

Well, that's our story in Thousand Islands..

My holiday continued with trip to Lembang - Bandung with Sok - sok an Gang. Oh y, I won't tell story about mall, playing billiard, watching movies in Jakarta, etc. Because they're my regular activities! #hedonic

Back to Bandung. We stayed for 3 days at Sherly's Uncle Villa in Lembang. It was so cooooold there.

We went to some places, like finding food at Jalan Gardujati and Pasir Kaliki...

In the night, we went to Paris van Java to watch Hello Ghost (Really sad and good movie), to eat Ta'wan (again and again), got our coffee at Starbucks, n just playing around...

Oh ya, we also went to D'Ranch...Wasn't that interesting but some photos are good!

She is in Holland now.. :(

Friends are forever, buddies!

Credit goes to Radhit for Bandung's holiday.

Oh ya, about go to Phuket plan, we decide to postpone it until New Year 2012...Because one and another reason :)